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an Ancient Modern approach to bodywork, massage and natural healing. 


Deep Tissue

 Deep tissue massage techniques are used to break up scar tissue, reset blood flow, and release tightness and muscle adhesions (painful hard tissue) that cause pain, reduced mobility, and swelling. It can feel similar to Swedish massage therapy. Deep tissue massage is not a more powerful version of Swedish massage, it is a modality aimed at  deeper myofascial rejuvenation. Most clients walk away from a deep tissue massage feeling a greater range of motion, much greater mobility and  mental calm. Deep tissue work can greatly reduce chronic pain, postural difficulties and daily stress. 


Myofascial Release Work

Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses.

Many clients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue.

Other conditions treated by myofascial release therapy include Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, or possibly fibromyalgia or migraine headaches. Client symptoms usually include:

  • Tightness of the tissues that restricts motion or pulls the body out of alignment, causing individuals to favor and overuse one hip or shoulder, for example

  • A sense of excessive pressure on muscles or joints that produces pain

  • Pain in any part or parts of the body, including headache or back pain.



 Reflexology is a treatment that applies gentle pressure to specific points on the feet (or hands or ears) to help you feel better. This can relieve stress and help your body work better. It is also called regional therapy. Reflexology connects the external and internal points of the body a bit like acupuncture and acupressure. But these therapies use acupuncture points throughout the body, not just the feet, hands, and ears.


Qi Gong Energyworx & Reiki

Qi= Energy Gong= Work 

In truith, all bodywork should relate to the energy work paradigm as our body IS energy. During a Qi Gong or Reiki session we do our best to align your centers, move stagnant energies and release mental blocks. Many see benefit on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy therapy. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm therapy or actual therapy. It is said that through this technique, 'universal energy'; is transferred to the patient through the practitioner's palm to promote emotional or physical recovery.


Craniosacral Therapy

 Cranial Therapy (CST) is a gentle and inexpensive treatment that can eliminate a variety of symptoms, including head, neck, spinal discomfort. CST uses light touch to control the movement of membranes and body fluids in and out of the central nervous system. It relieves stress on the central nervous system, relieves pain, promotes health and safety, and improves well-being. The goal of CST is to gently position the hand and loosen the connective tissue, or “fascia,” of the body.  CST is based on the idea that the body is interconnected at all levels and that CST enhances the efficiency of biological processes by promoting fundamental self-regulation, self-improvement and self-healing. 


Biodynamic Breathwork

An amazing modality for increasing bodily-embodiment, unloading decades old stressors and seeing the world anew. 

Let's Work Together

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